Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photoUpload Scott Bower Avid user of retro gear, dabble in all kinds of 8 bit goodness after many decades hiatus. My first computer was a Hitachi Peach (MB-6890), so let me know if you have one!! This user account status is Approved About About Posts Posts Comments Comments Ooh, another thought I had following on from the previous post (no edit feature... -_- Sorry!), but this "architecture feature… On Minimalist Europe Card Bus (MECB) – Some 6809 BASIC Fun You know something else I thought of - and I guess it would depend on pin availability on the bus,… On Minimalist Europe Card Bus (MECB) – Some 6809 BASIC Fun Oh, Excellent!! 😀 I look forward to that! I originally imagined that dipswitch selector on the CPU card to select… On Minimalist Europe Card Bus (MECB) – Some 6809 BASIC Fun Something else I had in mind - if I had a handful of recovered 64k rom chips, wouldn't it be… On Minimalist Europe Card Bus (MECB) – Some 6809 BASIC Fun Alas, no, it seems I just needed to rewatch it! - I saw the PLC reprogram to accommodate the 16k… On Minimalist Europe Card Bus (MECB) – Some 6809 BASIC Fun Excellent! A question though - and perhaps I need to watch this again, but did you move the logic for… On Minimalist Europe Card Bus (MECB) – Some 6809 BASIC Fun Excellent!! Thanks Heaps for that! I feel less afflicted with stupid now, though only marginally. Another question, amongst the downloadables… On Minimalist Europe Card Bus (MECB) – Address Decode / Glue Logic ATF16V8 Still coming to grips with how logic decides it's using memory or decoding I/O of some device/card on the bus… On Minimalist Europe Card Bus (MECB) – Address Decode / Glue Logic ATF16V8 p.s. - I've arranged with my wife & family to get me a bunch of these cards for Christmas -… On Minimalist Europe Card Bus (MECB) – Let’s push our 6809 speed! Hmmm, okay, I was looking at the CPU test PCBs as mentioned in the previous blog about AliExpress CPUs, but… On Minimalist Europe Card Bus (MECB) – Let’s push our 6809 speed! load more comments