RetroChallenge 2024/10 (RC2024)


So, after my last project, I’m actually itching to get back to my growing MECB related project list.

But, I’m also keen to round-out my CreatiVision Controller journey, with my envisioned CreatiVision Keyboard.

This would provide a nice mechanical Keyboard add-on to my just finished CreatiVision Controller project, and also to satisfy my “job fully done” mentality.

It will also deliver on the “one more thing…” teaser, that I included at the end of my CreatiVision re-Creation (Part 2) video.

So, to nudge me in the direction of completing this additional CreatiVision related project (before getting distracted by another exciting MECB project), I’ve entered my intentions into the RetroChallenge 2024/10 competition.

Well, I don’t really view it as a competition entry though, more a case of: “Tell someone else about your plans, to put more pressure on you actually carrying-through with those plans!“.

Therefore, I’ve also created this Blog post to track my progress on this project.

My intention is to update this post, as I progress through my CreatiVision Keyboard project milestones.

So, there you have it. I guess that means my main October 2024 project is going to be my mechanical CreatiVision Keyboard add-on to my recently published CreatiVision Controller.


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