As you can see, FLEX isn't Y2K compliant so I had to start with an old date to begin with (I believe there is a patch for this).
Unfortunately the interface is a bit of a dog's breakfast:

On the plus side, for the most part it is just wiring to existing modules (an Arduino, an Realtime clock module and an SD card module) and connecting it to the PIA port of the Motorola I/O card ... so while simple, there are just way too many potential cables to come loose (which is where most of my debugging time was spent - particularly as I don't have a dedicated location where I can keep this birds nest safe and each time I move it I seem to lose a connection somewhere).
Apart from the rather ugly wiring, it just required a few minor additions to the ASSIST09 ROM (to provide the interface routines) and writing a small loader routine/driver for FLEX. There is still one nagging issue in that the sectors/track is not passed correctly (I'm still trying to work out how that was done originally) - so at the moment I've hard-coded this just to test whether the hardware itself is working. Otherwise, I'm quite chuffed to have got it to this point.