The version of BASIC I used was from Grant Searle's page: http://searle.x10host.com/6502/Simple6502.html. It's already set up to work with a 6850 so all I had to do was change the start address of the code and the location of the 6850 for MECB. Oh, I also had to change three lines because the source code had negative 8-bit numbers defined but cc65 didn't seem to like these. This is also very odd because Grant also used cc65 to compile this version of BASIC - perhaps something changed between the version he used and the one I have.
I'm having a bit of confusion with my cc65/ld65 that I don't fully understand (which made this process take way longer than I had anticipated). The code has a fairly standard thing where it defines where in memory the BASIC software will be compiled for (a start address) and then a second definition for where the vectors go (right at the end of memory space). For some reason, despite the listing showing everything where it should be, the binary that is generated seems to have a large gap between the two and so when I burned it onto ROM things were clearly in the wrong spot. It quite possibly boils down to user error.