I/O mapped to F0xx

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Re: I/O mapped to F0xx

Post by epaell »

I ran my test with just the CPU card and it likely confirms your suspicion. The code ran at 4 MHz and dumped the last detected location of memory in to the ROM. At 8 MHz it didn't do this. The test only required the CPU board to run.
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Re: I/O mapped to F0xx

Post by Editor »

epaell wrote: Mon Jul 15, 2024 6:06 am I ran my test with just the CPU card and it likely confirms your suspicion. The code ran at 4 MHz and dumped the last detected location of memory in to the ROM. At 8 MHz it didn't do this. The test only required the CPU board to run.
OK, I have the 6502 CPU Card + MC68B50 ACIA (on the Motorola I/O Card) running at 8MHz! :D

My curiosity got the better of me, so I took some time out to test my thought (2) theory, from above.

I was thrilled to find I didn't even need to go to the faster SST ROM (on ROM Expansion Card). The CPU Card alone worked fine!

In summary, I loaded my simple "Hello 6502 World" ROM in the AT28C256 on the CPU Card, together with a WDC W65C02S CPU.
I first verified it worked at 2MHz and then 4MHz, but failed at 8MHz.

Then I modified the 6502 CPU Card PLD to relax the ROM Chip Select timing (to no longer require CLK high).
Although expecting I'd still need the faster ROM, I first tried it on the CPU Card alone, and...

Success! With the updated PLD, and still with 150ns AT28C256, I had successful serial output at 8MHz Clock!
Repeated tests showed this as a reliable test result. Awesome!

If interested, I paste below the updated PLD "Alternative" Bus Control, and Chip Select logic.
Specifically, I have removed the CLK from the "Bus Control" MREQ logic. Then I have added the CLK to CS_RAM (to replicate CS_RAM's original logic), then for CS_ROM I have added CPU_RW (so CS_ROM is now gated with CPU R/W high, instead of CLK high).

Note: I only included CPU_RW for my own comfort. This will of course mean no EEPROM writes, but you could of course also try only the Address lines driving the CS_ROM logic (for the earliest possible ROM Chip Select).

Well, I call that a SUCCESS! :cool:

Code: Select all

 * Logic: 6502 CPU Card - Bus Control  
 * ecb_mreq : ioaddr not asserted, while clk high.
 * ecb_iorq : ioaddr asserted, while clk high.
 * ecb_clk : clk
 * ecb_rd : cpu_rw is high, while clk high.
 * ecb_wr : cpu_rw is low, while clk high.
ecb_mreq = !ioaddr & clk;
ecb_iorq =  ioaddr & clk;
ecb_clk = clk;
ecb_rd = cpu_rw & clk;
ecb_wr = !cpu_rw & clk;
 * Logic: 6502 CPU Card - Alternative Bus Control  
 * ecb_mreq : ioaddr not asserted.
 * ecb_iorq : ioaddr asserted, while clk high.
 * ecb_clk : clk
 * ecb_rd : cpu_rw is high, while clk high.
 * ecb_wr : cpu_rw is low, while clk high.

ecb_mreq = !ioaddr;
ecb_iorq =  ioaddr & clk;
ecb_clk = clk;
ecb_rd = cpu_rw & clk;
ecb_wr = !cpu_rw & clk;

 * Memory Map options follow (un-comment only one!)

 * Logic: 6502 CPU Card - Chip Selects for 56K RAM 8K ROM 
 * cs_rom : ROM address space (0xE000 - 0xFFFF), while ecb_mreq asserted.
 * cs_ram : RAM address space (0x0000 - 0xDFFF), while ecb_mreq asserted.
 * cs_spare : Unused, but assigned to replicate ecb_iorq.
cs_rom = ecb_mreq & a15 & a14 & a13;
cs_ram = ecb_mreq & !(a15 & a14 & a13);
cs_spare = ioaddr & clk;
 * Logic: 6502 CPU Card - Alternative Chip Selects for 56K RAM 8K ROM 
 * cs_rom : ROM address space (0xE000 - 0xFFFF), while ecb_mreq & CPU Read asserted.
 * cs_ram : RAM address space (0x0000 - 0xDFFF), while ecb_mreq & clk asserted.
 * cs_spare : Unused, but assigned to replicate ecb_iorq.

cs_rom = ecb_mreq & cpu_rw & a15 & a14 & a13;
cs_ram = ecb_mreq & clk & !(a15 & a14 & a13);
cs_spare = ioaddr & clk;

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Re: I/O mapped to F0xx

Post by epaell »

Oh, that's weird. I tried a similar change this morning but couldn't get my system to work at 8 MHz and just to be sure just programmed the PLD with the code above (in case I missed something) but still the same problem (works at 4 MHz though). I must have a component on at least one of my boards that is not quite to the same spec as yours :-(
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Re: I/O mapped to F0xx

Post by Editor »

epaell wrote: Wed Jul 17, 2024 2:56 am Oh, that's weird. I tried a similar change this morning but couldn't get my system to work at 8 MHz and just to be sure just programmed the PLD with the code above (in case I missed something) but still the same problem (works at 4 MHz though). I must have a component on at least one of my boards that is not quite to the same spec as yours :-(
I'd still suspect the 150ns EEPROM as the prime speed limiter. I'm still surprised mine works at 8MHz, given the full clock cycle time is only ~125ns!

Perhaps my AT28C256-15 is a bit faster than the label claims?

The other candidate would be the MC68B50 ACIA, which (of course) is only rated for 2MHz.

Everything else should be fine.

Perhaps I'm just a little lucky on both counts? But, never the less, the fact that mine is working is a great sign of the potential! :geek:
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Re: I/O mapped to F0xx

Post by epaell »

Admittedly, I was also surprised that it worked up to 4 MHz ... but now I'm feeling left out being unable to run at 8 MHz :-)

Unfortunately I don't have any spares of the EEPROM or 68B50 with which I can try a replacement.

BTW, something odd I also noticed when I was running the 6840 checks with Michael; I tried modifying my code to use some of the bits that @lenzjo had in his code (to keep a record of something that looked more like a time as opposed to a big counter) but I couldn't get the STZ operation to work (it is a W65C02S-specific operation and compiled fine but just didn't clear the specified memory location); when I replaced it with LDA #$00; STA then it worked fine. I didn't really think about it at the time (as I'm not really familiar with fine details when working with the 6502) ... but now I'm wondering whether the CPU I have is perhaps not really a W65C02S?
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Re: I/O mapped to F0xx

Post by Editor »

epaell wrote: Wed Jul 17, 2024 4:22 am ... but now I'm wondering whether the CPU I have is perhaps not really a W65C02S?
Interesting. That may also contribute to speed issues. :thinking: Where did you source it?

I get my WDC chips from Mouser, so I'm pretty confident they're genuine parts.
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Re: I/O mapped to F0xx

Post by epaell »

I "think" I got this one from Amazon ... which reminded me, I did also get one from Mouser (actually I purchased that one first but it took a really long time to arrive, since the Amazon one arrived before it and it appeared to work I never actually tried the Mouser one).

OK, so I tried the new processor and still can't get to 8 MHz but curiously it does work at 7.3728 MHz (which I couldn't get to with the other processor). So either my 8 MHz crystal has issues or I'm just at the curly end of the specifications for some of the other devices.

Ah, so I also tried the timer code again with the STZ's back in there and now it works at 4 MHz but doesn't work at 7.3728 MHz. So perhaps the timer chip can't quite handle this clock rate ... and I guess it confirms that my Amazon "W65C02S" is a bit on the dodgy side (possibly a relabelled 6502 of some kind).

A couple mysteries of the Universe solved but I guess I'll be sticking with 4 MHz and the Mouser CPU for now.
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