DDS, Dave Dunfield Software

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DDS, Dave Dunfield Software

Post by djrm »

Hi everyone

In case this is new to anyone I'm posting links to Dave Dunfields Software. Much of it is now free to download. In particular I have just found the source for a 6809 monitor which needs no ram of any kind to operate, just ROM and UART, maybe I can get my old system working again with this before I crank out the logic analyser on it. Although they are native DOS programs I have just built all the assemblers and other tools under DosBoxX on my Linux Mint PC.

This is where the MONITORS and XASM archives were found

Notable in here is his release of 40 years of source code

And here is a link to his 6809 systems

Although not the primary site, this page has some useful descriptions of the softwares.

ht David.
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