A picture tells a thousand words... etc.
Or, you could include a link to your topic relevant YouTube video (if you've created one).
Now, phpBB is a bit fussy about image links. Primarily (for security reasons), externally hosted images need to be SSL secured links (i.e. https:// links).
I've also noted that google shared image links seem to be problematic (even though they are SSL secured).
What I have found is that imgbly.com (a free image hosting service), seems to have worked well for the shared images that I've posted.
The imgbly hosted raw image https:// links, in your post source, should look similarly formatted to this example:
Code: Select all
The key thing required is the file extension (which is not included in the default link that imgbly displays on image upload).
If done correctly, then your image will look like this in your post:

As an alternative, you can also upload image files to the Forum itself (maximum of 3 per image, and each less than 256KiB).
You do this via your post's "Attachments" option (located below the post editing box).
These attachments are then included in your post via the attachment BBCode, as follows:
Code: Select all
Needless to say, the use of an external service (like imgbly) to host your images is preferred, as my server space is limited!

Hopefully the above advice will help to avoid others just being greeted with broken image links, when they view your latest post!